Learning &

Learning &

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Special Educational Needs & Development

At Honley Day Care & Pre-Prep School we recognise that early identification can lead to positive outcomes for all children identified as having additional needs.

Our practitioners are highly trained to identify any areas of development that are causing concern, through close observation and tracking of individual children’s development. This then forms the basis of planning for their interests and development needs.

Through close working partnerships with parents and carers, we meet together to form strategies and plan to meet the needs of the child and review their progress. Parents are supported by our SENDCo through the various stages following the graduated approach.

We have an experienced SENDCo and Deputy SENDCo in our setting, who work closely with external agencies and professionals to seek advice and support. We have a thorough SEND and inclusion policy in the setting, which parents and carers can access at any time.

For any further information, please visit: www.kirkleeslocaloffer.org.uk

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is a statutory framework which sets the standards for the learning, development and care of children from birth to five. The framework is designed for practitioners to use as a guideline in order to deliver improved outcomes for all children within their care.

The EYFS stipulates requirements for learning and development, and for safeguarding children and promoting their welfare. There are seven areas of learning and development which act as a guide when planning activities and experiences; along with check points to help practitioners identify areas of achievement or developmental need.

By planning and delivering a balance of child-initiated and adult-led activities, children are able to participate, enjoy and achieve in an exciting and stimulating environment. The framework enables children to develop at their own pace; and practitioners skilfully observe and assess the children to plan around their interests, in order to enhance their learning.

Each child is assigned a key person who is responsible for monitoring the child’s development, and evidencing this with a personal learning journey, alongside checkpoint assessments and progress summaries. All practitioners aim for every child to reach their full potential in a safe and caring environment.

If you would like to know more about the Early Years Foundation Stage, please visit the EYFS website.

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“Our child loves attending nursery and is progressing well in her learning and development, she gets to do a wide range of activities and loves them all.”

Quoted by Parent